by EICWadmin | Oct 31, 2022 | blog
Why you need an assessment to get an accurate accounting quote Introduction One of the best ways to ensure the financial viability of your business is to hire an accountant who can manage and monitor your cash flow, creditors, debtors, taxes and more. However,...
by EICWadmin | Oct 20, 2022 | news
Once you commit to debt counselling, your finances will inevitably improve. However, as your circumstances change, you may consider taking out a new loan to carry you through a difficult period. We find out whether this is allowed, and whether it would be feasible,...
by EICWadmin | Oct 10, 2022 | news
Cape Town, as one of South Africa’s three capital cities, is renowned for its industry centers, thriving seaport, and tourism scene. Not surprisingly, the town’s educational sector has an enviable collection of some of the best high schools in Cape Town, with South...